


自1997年以来, KABA has managed a school-based mentoring program that empowers both young people and the adults working with them. 卡巴导师计划 matches at-risk 3rd through 5th grade students with volunteer mentors from the Kenosha business community. The purpose of the program is to establish a caring relationship and improve motivation to learn, 自尊, 学习成绩.


谢谢你改变了一个处境危险的学生的生活!  下面是很多有用的信息,可以帮助你成为最好的导师.




40分钟. 每周一天. 这就是对基诺沙青年的生活产生有意义影响所需要的一切.  Volunteer as a KABA Mentor and help a student gain gain confidence, character and success.



联系人: 布鲁克Infusino,人才发展总监

binfusino@yiwubang.com | 262.925.3464


The 基诺沙地区商业联盟 Mentor Program matches at-risk 3rd through 5th grade students with business mentor volunteers. The purpose of the program is to establish a caring relationship and improve motivation to learn, 自尊, 学习成绩.


A mentor meets with the same student for 30-45 minutes once a week during the school year. Mentors meet at a time during the day that is convenient for the mentor and which does not pull the student out of a critical class period. Mentors typically spend part of their visit building the personal relationship and part of the time building academic skill. 导师帮助学生建立自己的梦想. 导师从与学生交谈开始,建立一种关系. 电脑程序和游戏可以用来加强学术技能. 虽然主要目的不是辅导学生, a mentor and student may often do school-related work at the direction of the teacher, 特别是如果学生在某些方面落后. The bounds of activities are defined by the depth and breadth of the relationship formed.


导师计划是一个校内计划! 导师不会在校外单独与学生见面, 带他们去看电影, 去公园, 等. 导师可以在学校开放日期间与学生见面, participate as a chaperone on field trips and other school events in which multiple students may be participating.

如果学生换了学校, 导师通常会跟着学生去新学校, 除非重大的日程冲突使这变得不可能.


学校推荐学生参加这个项目. 家长/监护人同意孩子参加. 他们通常不与父母或监护人接触.


Mentors are encouraged to make a three-year commitment so they can be with a student from 3rd through 5th grade. 考虑到工作场所的现实和家庭的流动性, 一年的承诺被认为是最少的. 当导师不能继续时, a replacement is secured because the goal is to have the student continue receiving one-on-one contact.

连续性是最重要的. 每周与学生见面是很重要的. Mentors who miss a scheduled visit for business reasons often set up an alternate meeting time that same week.




所有潜在的导师都要经过外部机构的筛选, 现在是基诺沙联合学区. Screening includes: criminal background checks, 联系的引用, and 个人面试. This screening, which takes several weeks, is done to protect both the student and mentor.


如果你有兴趣成为KABA的导师, please complete both forms below – an application and background check – and submit to KABA at info@yiwubang.com.

导师计划申请  刑事信息记录检查许可表






卡巴导师计划 matches at-risk 3rd – 5th grade students with business mentor volunteers. The purpose of the program is to establish a caring relationship and improve motivation to learn, 自尊, 学习成绩.


所有潜在的导师都要经过外部机构的筛选, 目前基诺沙联合学区包括:犯罪背景调查, 联系的引用, 并有可能, 个人面试. This screening, which takes 3-4 weeks, is done to protect both the student and the mentor.


KABA will work directly with a School Guidance Counselor to identify an at-risk student at one of the schools you checked on your completed mentor program application. 一旦学生的身份被确认, the counselor will secure parent permission and contact you to set up a weekly mentoring time that works for both you and the student.


A mentor meets with the same student for 30-45 minutes once a week during the school year. Mentors meet at a time during the day that is convenient for the mentor and which does not pull the student out of a critical class period. Mentors typically spend part of their visit building the personal relationship and part of the time building academic skills. 导师通常从与学生交谈开始,建立一种关系. 在导师和学生相互了解之后, computer programs and games may be used to reinforce academic skills or just to have fun. 虽然主要目的不是辅导学生, a mentor and student may often do school-related work at the direction of the teacher, 特别是如果学生在某些方面落后. The bounds of activities are defined by the depth and breadth of the relationship formed.


不,导师计划是一个校内计划. 导师不会在校外单独与学生见面, 带他们去看电影, 去公园, 等. 然而, 导师可以在学校开放日期间与学生见面, and participate as a chaperone on field trips and other school events in which multiple students may be participating. If you wish to spend time with your student outside of school or off school grounds, 请致电262-637-7625与大哥大姐们联系.


如果可能的话, KABA建议导师跟随学生到新学校, 除非重大的日程冲突或地点使这太困难了. 跟随学生, you should contact KABA so they can put you in touch with the guidance counselor at your student’s new school.


Mentors are encouraged to make a three-year commitment so they can be with a student from 3rd through 5th grade. 考虑到工作场所的现实和家庭的流动性, 一年的承诺被认为是最少的. 当导师不能继续时, KABA attempts to secure a replacement to provide a certain degree of consistency for the student. Consistency and continuity are very important-it is important to meet with the student every week. Mentors who miss a scheduled visit for business reasons often setup an alternate meeting time that same week.


每个学校都应该有一个指定的指导空间. 这可能是图书馆、教室、自助餐厅、健身房等. The school guidance counselor should inform you about where to go to conduct your mentoring sessions. Please note that the designated mentoring area could change depending on the time of day/day of the week. Please contact KABA if you have not been informed about where to mentor your student during a regularly scheduled session.


The best way to ensure that your student is at school before you leave to mentor is to contact the school office and ask. KABA has asked guidance counselors to request that teachers let mentors know when a student is absent or on a field trip, 但是考虑到老师们大部分时间都在教室前面, they may not remember to notify the mentor that same day if a particular student is out.


如果你的学生离开了这个地区, 你想指导一个新学生, the counselor at your school will usually have a few students already on a waiting list, 所以你应该不用等太久. 如果他们不能认出你学校的其他学生, please contact KABA and we can try to match you with a new student at another school.


The guidance counselor at your school should give you contact information for your student’s teacher. You are welcome to e-mail or call that student’s teacher at any time to request an update on their classroom performance and behavior. Some teachers may be more engaged in or educated about KABA’s mentor program than others; therefore, 与不同老师的互动程度可能会有所不同. 如果你不能成功地与学生的老师沟通, KABA encourages you to let the guidance counselor at your school know and request their assistance.


Below is a list of resources to help guide your interactions with your students be the best mentor you can be.